Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Encounter With Martin Luther King Jr.

In Encounter With Martin Luther King Jr. , Martin Luther King Jr. met Maya Angelo. Maya Angelo was an African American hero. To be a hero you ned courage, so you can accomplish anything in your life. That is exactly what Martin Luther King Jr. did. He made a difference in his life. That is why you need courage.

The Last Dog

This story has many themes but this one is the strongest. It is about a boy named Brock. He lives in the futuristic Earth with a tribe of people. Convinced the Earth is poisoned, the people live in a dome. On day, Brock ventures out of the dome and finds a dog that has just lost his mother. He takes this dog home with him. After awhile, the scientists are curious about the dog. They are about to experiment on the little dog, Brock cleverly tricks them into thinking that the dog has a disease. The scientists tell Brock to leave with his pet. It turns out that the Earth wasn't poisoned after all. Brock found this out by taking of his breathing suit and taking a breath of fresh air. The dog and him could live a normal life.
This story (as you can tell) relates to the theme well. Brock had to have courage many times. He must have been terrified to leave the home he knew and loved. Especially when he was venturing into a supposedly poisoned Earth. The dog must have been courageous as well. Who could lose their mother and still have the courage to go on. That would take a mountain-full of courage. That is why it represents this theme.

Dirk the Protector

The story, Dirk the Protector, shows a lot about courage. In this story, a dog named Dirk, was found by a boy named Gary Paulsen. Dirk showed plenty of courage because when Gary was about to get stolen and beaten up by a boy named Happy, Dirk stepped in and attacked Happy. It took a lot of courage for Dirk to do that. Also, at the end of the story, Gary Paulsen had courage. He had the courage to let go of Dirk. It took Gary Paulsen a lot of courage because he loved Dirk so much and it was hard letting Dirk go live with another man. This is why, Dirk the Protector, is a good example of the theme, courage.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Titanic explains courage because when the boat sank the people needed courage to survive. The captain shows courage because he has to manage the ship. The passengers had to have courage when they left their families dying on the ship while they got on the lifeboats. The captain needed courage when he went down with the ship because he knew he was going to die. Most crew members needed the courage because, they were at the bottom of the ship, where the water came in first. Some of the people survived after the Titanic sank,because they had a lot of courage. The people that died didn't have enough courage to survive. To have enough courage the people needed to believe in themselves. That means some of the people believed in themselves and some didn't. Many people on the Titanic needed courage and didn't have the courage. You can tell that this story definetly is part of this theme.


The world is full of stories that represent this theme. Zebra is one of them. Zebra is about a boy who loves to run. The kids at school call him Zebra. One day when he was running, a car came around the corner and hit him. Many months later, Zebra has recovered from his physical injuries but emotionally he was still ill. A mysterious stranger then comes to Zebra's school to teach an art class for the summer. He reluctantly joins and then finds that he loves art. A typical happy ending is served.
This story is a fine example of the theme "courage helps people face big challenges". It took courage to get over his fears. He is truly a courageous person.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Courage helps people face big challenges

This theme has many different meanings. You may take it one way and I may take it the other way. The way I see it is that people who are courageous can accomplish more since they are not afraid of the obstacles they have to face. There is a difference between some one who runs for mom and some one who stands their ground. Take Martin Luther King Jr. for example. He stood up for some thing he believed in. There were some people who did not like what he was saying. He could have backed down from his enemies but he believed so strongly in what he was doing he had the courage to stand and look them in the face. That is what this theme means to me. How about you?