Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Last Dog

This story has many themes but this one is the strongest. It is about a boy named Brock. He lives in the futuristic Earth with a tribe of people. Convinced the Earth is poisoned, the people live in a dome. On day, Brock ventures out of the dome and finds a dog that has just lost his mother. He takes this dog home with him. After awhile, the scientists are curious about the dog. They are about to experiment on the little dog, Brock cleverly tricks them into thinking that the dog has a disease. The scientists tell Brock to leave with his pet. It turns out that the Earth wasn't poisoned after all. Brock found this out by taking of his breathing suit and taking a breath of fresh air. The dog and him could live a normal life.
This story (as you can tell) relates to the theme well. Brock had to have courage many times. He must have been terrified to leave the home he knew and loved. Especially when he was venturing into a supposedly poisoned Earth. The dog must have been courageous as well. Who could lose their mother and still have the courage to go on. That would take a mountain-full of courage. That is why it represents this theme.

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